Manteo Middle School, MMS at a Glance ---Week of 1/11

Mms at a Glance ---Week of 1/11

By Mary Ann Hodges

MMS Activities

*A drive to make sure MMS students are as safe as possible on bikes and skateboards is underway!  Students are required to wear helmets when riding on MMS campus.  The parental and community support has been amazing!

**The 2nd quarter is drawing to a close and with it comes the rolling out of our Chromebooks.  Students and staff are extremely excited about the doors this will open.


1/11 Basketball HOME

1/12 Wrestling AWAY @ First Flight

1/13 Basketball AWAY @ Moyock

1/14 Wrestling  AWAY @ River Road

Manteo Middle School, MMs at a Glance ---Week of 12/21

Mms at a Glance ---Week of 12/21

By Mary Ann Hodges

MMS Activities

Mrs Day's class is enjoying a new smart board funded by Dare Education Foundation.

Students who wore their helmets on 12/16 were rewarded with a doughnut.  In an effort to increase the use of helmets Manteo Middle School is is hoping to continue this and other incentives for the coming year. *A bike helmet would make a GREAT Christmas gift!  



Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle School at a Glance - Week of 12/14

Manteo Middle School at a Glance - Week of 12/14

By Mary Ann Hodges

MMS Activities

*Math students participated in an hour of coding last week. The results were amazing!

Coat drive ends 12/16

Toy drive ends 12/17

Reindeer Games will be on 12/18

Winter Break will begin at 3:00 on 12/18 and continue to 1/4

****Looking ahead - Judges needed for Odyssey of the Mind - contact Mrs Spinella if you can help out



Wrestling Meets:

Manteo Middle School, Week of 12/7/2015

Week of 12/7/2015

By Mary Ann Hodges

MMS Activities

12/7  Winter Concert @ 6:00


12/8 Wrestling Home

12/9 Basketball Away @FFMS

12/10 Wrestling Away @ EC

AVID students are planning a bike helmet drive. Information will follow as plans are finalized.
6th Grade

6th grade science students are planning to share their knowledge on Earth by creating papier-mache representations that they will be sharing. Keep a look out for some outstanding projects.

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/25

By Mary Ann Hodges

This is the final edition!  Please let us know if you enjoyed learning a little more about Manteo Middle School through these postings.


Manteo High School Interact Club recognized the winners from their essay contest.  The students wrote an essay about the four points it takes to be a good citizen.  Congratulations to Maddie Oesting, Hannah Ambrose, and Ryan Braswell.



Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/18

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/18

By Mary Ann Hodges

The Outer Banks Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Coalition gave out safety lights to bike riders on May 22nd.  The organization wants students and parents to focus on safe exercise as we go into the summer months.  The increase in traffic definitely impacts travel no matter what method one uses and a refocus on safety is always a positive.








Cheer try outs were this week at MMS.  Over 25 girls were lead through stations to learn basic skills.  The squad was selected on Thursday and will begin conditioning this summer.  

Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/11

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/11

By Mary Ann Hodges

PTO Spring Concert

Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/4

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 5/4

By Mary Ann Hodges

Relay For Life

Manteo Middle School participated on May 2nd in "Relay For Life".  Teachers and students enjoyed a day filled with hope love and promises of a better tomorrow.

Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 4/27

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 4/27

By Mary Ann Hodges







Pop Top Assembly is May 8th.

 Please send in all pop tops!



Manteo Middle School, Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 4/20

Manteo Middle at a Glance - Week of 4/20

By Mary Ann Hodges






The 7th and 8th grade AVID students went to East Carolina University to tour the campus.  The students took a look at what college life will be like and came back ready to tackle their school work with more enthusasim.  The trip was designed to help the AVID students plan and look ahead.  " The trip was fun and made me really excited about going to college." said 8th grader -----.