MMS Activities
Mrs Day's class is enjoying a new smart board funded by Dare Education Foundation.
Students who wore their helmets on 12/16 were rewarded with a doughnut. In an effort to increase the use of helmets Manteo Middle School is is hoping to continue this and other incentives for the coming year. *A bike helmet would make a GREAT Christmas gift!
Chrome Books will be issued Jan 13-15 ----Look for more information on the hand out that will be sent home.
Yearbooks are on sale for $35.00
Join the PTO
!/5 Wrestling Away @ Chowan
1/7 Winter Sports pictures
AVID is working toward an helmet drive at MMS. More information on that in 2016.
Odyssey of the Mind
MMS has five teams working hard. There is still a need for adults to be trained as judges and/or helping prepare a team. Contact Christy Spinella if you are interested.
Check out the news latter for the latest information:
The SGA sponsored a coat drive before Christmas. The coat drive was very successful and although the weather didi not have us breking out the winter gear who knows what Jan and Feb have in store.
The SGA also surprised the staff the week before Christmas with special treats each day.
Junior National Honor Society
The toy drive was a great success. Toys were distributed on 12/16. Thank you for all the donations.
Rachel's Challenge
MMS Friends of Rachel Club is organizing some events for the remainder of the school year - forming a Welcoming committee to welcome new students to the school, organizing a "Mix It Up" Day - where students can sit wherever they want at lunch, & will start a "Chain of Kindness" - recognizing students for doing the right thing, or showing kindness to others.
The transition to middle school has gone well, thanks for all the support. Please make sure school supplies are refilled over the break.
7th -
7th grade students are taking advantage of the new smart board in Trivia Day's room and are looking forward to one to one computing in 2016.
Jan 4th students will meet together to get the chrome book forms, finding information about what they need in order to be able to use the chrome books.
Sea to Mountain Trip is April 27-29 Make your calendar
Check out Mrs. Day's class activities:
HAPPY & SAFE HOLIDAY from MMS see you back on Jan 4th.