By Mary Ann Hodges | Tuesday, May 26, 2015

This is the final edition!  Please let us know if you enjoyed learning a little more about Manteo Middle School through these postings.


Manteo High School Interact Club recognized the winners from their essay contest.  The students wrote an essay about the four points it takes to be a good citizen.  Congratulations to Maddie Oesting, Hannah Ambrose, and Ryan Braswell.



EOG Testing will be taking place all next week and even into the week of June 8th.  Please make sure your student is prepared each day and arrives on time.


8th Grade celebration will be June 10th at 1:00 in the gym.  

6th and 7th grade awards recognition will be June 11th at 9:00 in the gym.


Each grade level will be having a variety of end  of the year activities. Please check with your child to see when those activities are scheduled.

**Remember is your student is interested in sports please get a physical over the summer and stop in the office to fill out all paperwork.  NO child my try out without the proper forms completed.  Try out dates:

                                                 FOOTBALL- Aug 17, 18,19 on the football field (optional conditioning Aug 3,4,5 & 10,11,12) 

                                                 SOCCER- Aug 18, 19, 20 from 3:00 to 5:00 on the soccer field

                                                 VOLLEYBALL-Aug 18, 19, 20 from 3:00 to 5:00 in gym


The football team has several fundraisers scheduled for over the summer: Lock In May 29th, Car wash June 6th, BBQ Aug 8th.  We hope you come out and support the team at these events. Also look for them Dare Days to buy your water.

The cheerleaders will also be holding a car wash this summer - please come out on July 11th to support them!

Thanks from MMS for an amazing year!

About the Author Mary Ann Hodges
Mary Ann Hodges is an 8th grade Science Teacher at MMS and the Athletic Director. Her email is and her phone number is (252) 473-5549 ex.1285