Chicamacomico is so proud to welcome Robin Daniels Holt for her first book signing. Please come out and support a true local in her book as well as the history of Chicamacomico.

Hatteras Island Museums is hosting an open house on Wednesday Nov. 27th! Come out and celebrate all with us!

I’ve walked over 180 miles and raised almost $3,000 for Chicamacomico Life-Saving Station Historic Site & Museum with 40 days left before the 150th Anniversary celebration of the USLSS coming to the Outer Banks. Anyone else interested in sponsoring me? Just reach out if you are! - Jen

Today! Come on down (or up). Gather to hear Mel Poole, former National Park Superintendent, retired from Catoctin Mountain Park, talk about wrecks and rescues on the Outer Banks.

If you missed the show you can purchase shakes at the station or at Buxton Village Bookstore or at the Black Pelican Restaurant.

Chicamacomico features two original Life-Saving Service/Coast Guard station buildings and their accompanying structures, such as cook houses, stable, water towers, a potable water beehive cistern, and assorted period rescue equipment.