With autumn’s changes come the increased chance of marine mammals stranding along the Outer Banks. First responders from Jennette’s Pier and the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island attempt to help these animals. Calls come in on the Outer Banks Marine Mammal Stranding Network hotline, (252... See More

With autumn’s changes come the increased chance of marine mammals stranding along the Outer Banks. First responders from Jennette’s Pier and the... See More

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Backyard Buzz is Here Until October 31! Explore larger-than-life insects that call Eastern North Carolina home. These animatronic critters are along our nature trail, nestled between views of the sound and our Pollinator Garden and Maritime Trail. Enjoy our fantastic outdoor spaces while you... See More

Backyard Buzz is Here Until October 31! Explore larger-than-life insects that call Eastern North Carolina home. These animatronic critters are... See More

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Have you visited any of the seven rivers that run into the Albermarle Sound? Have you visited the seven rivers of the aquarium? The fresh and brackish water environments of the Albermarle Sound are among the wildest and most productive on the East Coast. The seven major rivers feeding Albemarle... See More

Have you visited any of the seven rivers that run into the Albermarle Sound? Have you visited the seven rivers of the aquarium? The fresh and... See More

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We rely on our members and donors to support the NC Aquariums' exemplary animal care, inspiring education and outreach programs, exciting new experiences, and critical conservation work like saving sea turtles.

We rely on our members and donors to support the NC Aquariums' exemplary animal care, inspiring education and outreach programs, exciting new... See More

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It's no secret that the NC Aquariums love sharks! From whale sharks to wobbegongs, these amazing and diverse predators are vital to global ocean health. However, despite their tough appearance, many sharks are in trouble. Over one-third of shark species worldwide are threatened with... See More

It's no secret that the NC Aquariums love sharks! From whale sharks to wobbegongs, these amazing and diverse predators are vital to global... See More

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Beetles and butterflies and ants, oh my! Unseen wonders are magnified in this summer’s Backyard Buzz exhibit! Explore larger-than-life insects that call Eastern North Carolina home. Learn how you can help make their lives a little bit easier by supporting and protecting wild spaces.

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"Did you get my good side?" *flips scutes* But seriously, have you ever seen such a photogenic turtle? She made sure we got ALL the angles on this photoshoot

"Did you get my good side?" *flips scutes* But seriously, have you ever seen such a photogenic turtle? She made sure we got ALL the... See More

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