Children and Youth Partnership, Outer Banks Mommy & Me Supports Imagination Library

Outer Banks Mommy & Me Supports Imagination Library

By Carla Heppert

At a recent Friday play group at Children at Play, members of Outer Banks Mommy & Me presented Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County (CYP) with a check for $250.00 to support Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in Dare County.

Children and Youth Partnership, Dare Kids Connection - Fall 2016

Dare Kids Connection - Fall 2016

By Angela Owens

View the latest issue - Early Fall 2016 Children & Youth Partnership's newsletter, Dare Kids Connection here.

Want to receive Dare Kids Connection via email each quarter?  Click here to subscribe.  

Children and Youth Partnership, Roanoke Island Kiwanis Club

Roanoke Island Kiwanis Club

By Angela Owens

Recently, the members of the Kiwanis Club of Roanoke Island presented a donation of $500 to Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County (CYP) to support Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Pictured in the Front Row- Arturo Lara, Robert Keeney, Allen Cook (President), Carla Heppert (CYP), Jaye Massecar (Treasurer), Virginia Tillett, Doug Moore; Back Row- Thom Scalia, Vance Haskett, Amy Bennett.

Children and Youth Partnership, First Bank Presents

First Bank Presents

By Angela Owens

Recently, the staff of First Bank presented a donation of $500 to Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County (CYP) to support Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL).  Through Imagination Library, CYP is able to mail new, age-appropriate books to over 1,000 Dare County children each month, helping to strengthen their imaginations and develop a love of reading as early as birth.  Pictured from L to R:  First Bank employees Liz Minton, Kristi Neal, Assistant Manager Nathan Ladd, CYP Board Member Tess Judge, CYP Early Learning Coordinator Carla Heppert, Manager Gail Hodges, and City Ex

Children and Youth Partnership, Dare Kids Connection - Winter 2016

Dare Kids Connection - Winter 2016

By Carla Heppert

View the Winter 2016 Issue of Children & Youth Partnership's Newsletter, Dare Kids Connection here.

Want to receive Dare Kids Connection via email each quarter? Click here to subscribe.

Children and Youth Partnership, Annual Program Outcomes: 2014-15

Annual Program Outcomes: 2014-15

By Carla Heppert

Interested in the outcomes of Children & Youth Partnership's programs for Fiscal Year 2014-15?
Check out CYP's Annual Program Outcomes Report here.

Children and Youth Partnership, Dare Kids Connection- Fall 2015

Dare Kids Connection- Fall 2015

By Carla Heppert

View the Fall 2015 Issue of Children & Youth Partnership's Newsletter, Dare Kids Connection here.

Children and Youth Partnership, 2014 State of the Child Conference Report

2014 State of the Child Conference Report

By Jenna Pempek

View the 2014 State of the Child Conference Report here