On October 9th, Children & Youth Partnership for Dare County is offering an informational session on How to Open a Family Child Care Home in efforts to help increase child care spaces for working families with young children. This event will be held at St. Andrew’s By-the-Sea Episcopal Church from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. For more information and to register go to www.darekids.org/events.
Children & Youth Partnership (CYP) hosted a State of the Child Conference on March 14, 2024, and child care was identified as one of the critical needs in Dare County. Data collected through the conference indicated 76.1% of businesses reported they have struggled with staffing and scheduling issues due to child care for their employees. Child care is essential to our community and spaces in Dare County are limited, with the highest need being for infants and toddlers. Family Child Care Homes (FCCH) are an important part of the early care and education system that supports families that may prefer a more intimate home-like setting for their young children.
Did you know that In North Carolina, you must be licensed to care for more than 2 unrelated children for more than 4 hours a day? There are many benefits of being a licensed child care provider. You will be self-employed and able to be home with your own children, there are opportunities to earn college credit in early childhood education at no cost, and you provide a service which is greatly needed in our community! If you are interested in learning more about providing child care in your home, register to attend the informational session offered on October 9th. CYP’s early childhood specialist along with community partners will provide all the information you need to decide about caring for children in your home. They are also available to provide training and technical assistance to help guide you through the process of becoming licensed.
Registration is required for this FREE session. Please go to bit.ly/fcchinfo24 to register. For questions, contact Bonnie Brumbeloe at 252-441-0614, ext. 7 or email bbrumbeloe@darekids.org.
Children & Youth Partnership is a non-profit organization serving children, youth, and families in Dare County. The partnership administers the Smart Start program for Dare County for children birth through age five and is a central source of information about activities, programs and resources for all children.
Outer Banks Voice- September 7, 2024: The Outer Banks Voice - Are You Interested in Providing Child Care in Your Home?
OBX Today- September 9, 2024: OBX Today - Are you interested in providing child care in your home?
Here OBX- September 10, 2024: Dare County Hosts Family Child Care Home Informational Session