We thought fishing was as good as it gets this time of year but it got better. Bluefin season likely to close soon….Get ‘em while ya can!! Reports of BLUE FIN, BIG EYE, and a few SAILS mixed in.

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We are excited to announce our Thanksgiving Sale begins tomorrow! Stop by and gobble up these deals all weekend long! ?


Stop by the shop and get signed up for our 1st annual 2021 FISH FOR THE FALLEN speckled trout fishing tournament!! Our tournament will run from September 11th to November 11th!! The winners will be anounces the day of our annual oyster roast!

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Stop by the shop and get signed up for our
1st annual 2021 FISH FOR THE FALLEN speckled trout fishing tournament!! Our tournament will run from September 11th to November 11th!! The winners will be anounces the day of our annual oyster roast!
Enter fee: $20.00
Largest weighing... See More

Stop by the shop and get signed up for our
1st annual 2021 FISH FOR THE FALLEN speckled trout fishing tournament!! Our tournament will run... See More

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The fish are biting! Pick up all the gear you need to catch that big fish, right here at TW's.

The fish are biting! Pick up all the gear you need to catch that big fish, right here at TW's.

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