Principal’s Message
Welcome to Nags Head Elementary School where our motto is “Riding the wave of success!”
The Nags Head Elementary School family is committed to providing the very best educational opportunities to prepare our
students for the 21st century. Our staff creates a positive learning environment with high expectations for all. We build upon a solid foundation of basic skills with emphasis on using higher order thinking skills.
We strongly believe that the parents of our students are our partners in the education of the children. Cooperation and
communication between the school and home play a major role in the academic success of our students. Additionally, we
appreciate the generosity and support of our community business partners. Their continued support plays an integral role
in recognizing the academic achievements of our students.
We work cohesively as a collaborative team to meet the needs of our students. The entire staff is focused on student learning. As a Professional Learning Community, data is used to drive our instruction. Systematic interventions are
provided to ensure all students receive support and enrichment to meet their individual needs. The three R’s – Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships are the driving force behind all of our lesson planning and activities.
As part of our CHARACTER COUNTS!® program, we ascribe to this premise: “If it is to be, it is up to me!”