Field Day is coming! Mark your calendars for Monday, May 16 ( raindate- May 18)! Kindergarten, First grade and Second grade will have their field day from 8:30- 11:00. Third, Fourth and Fifth grade will be from 11:45- 2:00. Most activities are outside so we encourage students to bring sunscreen, a towel, a hat and a water bottle. Volunteers are needed! Contact Coach D at dvorinda@daretolearn.org or 252-261-2313 ext.1672 or sign up at www.volunteerspot.com. Please click here for more information!
Thanks for all who helped make our Walk/Bike to school day on May 4th (May the 4th Be With you!) a huge success! It was a total team effort and always a lot of fun for all!
Click here for the School Nurses' Spring 2016 Newsletter filled with lots of information you can use!
Upcoming Events:
May 16- Field Day ( May 18- rain date)
May 25- 26- End of Grade Testing - Grades 3-5 ( ELA- Wednesday & Math- Thursday)
May 27- Dismiss at 12
May 30- No School
June 1- Science End of Grade Test- Grade 5
June 7- Kindergarten Celebration 8:30 am; Fifth Grade Graduation 10:30 am; Awards Ceremony 1:00 pm
June 8- Last day of school- Dismiss at 12
By reaching high, we fly....