Third grade students in Ms.Bender and Mrs. Childress' classes are learning about force and motion. Before creating their own roller coasters, they took a trip to Cedar Point in Ohio where they got to virtually ride some roller coasters.
The Third grade recently held "Econ Day" as a culmination activity for their economic unit. Throughout the unit , students earned "wages" to spend on goods and services. A special thanks to all the third grade parents for making this day possible.
Fourth grade students in Mr. Shope's class recently made candles. Special thanks to Kimber Smith for her expertise in candle making!
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped to make Field Day a huge success!
Don't miss out on the 2015- 2016 yearbook! Click here for more information on how to order your copy!
Upcoming Events:
May 25- 26- End of Grade Testing - Grades 3-5 ( ELA- Wednesday & Math- Thursday)
May 27- Dismiss at 12
May 30- No School
June 1- Science End of Grade Test- Grade 5
June 7- Kindergarten Celebration 8:30 am; Fifth Grade Graduation 10:30 am; Awards Ceremony 1:00 pm
June 8- Last day of school- Dismiss at 12
By reaching high, we fly....