All of our 3rd grade students went out to the greenhouse recently to work with retired Kitty Hawk teachers on various aspects of our science curriculum. They each planted a seed and learned about the life cycle of a seed. In addition, they planted seeds in sand, rocks and loam to compare which type of soil (or rock) the seeds would thrive in the most.
As part of our PBIS school-wide plan, grade levels can earn votes each week for following expectations. As they reach certain milestones of votes, grade levels earn privileges. Recently, the third grade earned 100 votes for the year and got to wear hats all day!!
Don't forget the Jump Rope 4 Heart party on March 24 during your child's specials class! Parents are welcome!!
See schedule below for grade level times:
5th Grade- 8:10- 8:40
4th Grade- 8:45- 9:15
1st Grade- 9:20- 9:50
2nd Grade- 10:00- 10:30
Kindergarten- 10:45- 11:15
3rd Grade- 11:20- 11:50
Spring 2016 registration for OBX GOFAR is now open!! GOFAR ( Go Out For A Run) is a local non-profit organization that offers a training program in the fall and spring to elementary and middle school age groups in Dare County and helps them safely train for a 5k or 1 mile Fun Run while learning health concepts, nutrition, and vital character building skills. Click here to register.
The Spring Book Fair is coming!! Mark your calendars for our KHES Book Fair April 11-15! If you would like to volunteer, Click here .
Upcoming Events
March 24- Jump Rope 4 Heart Party
Dismiss at 12:00
March 25- No school for students
March 28- April 1- Spring Break- No School
April 4- Classes resume
April 8- Report Cards
April 11-15- Spring Book Fair
By reaching high, we fly....