Join Coach D and your child on March 24 for the Jump-Rope-4-Heart jump-rope and dance party during physical education class to celebrate our schools efforts to raise awareness to fight heart disease and stroke. Students should wear red or a favorite "team jersey". Parents are encouraged to join us for the party. See schedule below for grade level times:
5th Grade- 8:10- 8:40
4th Grade- 8:45- 9:15
1st Grade- 9:20- 9:50
2nd Grade- 10:00- 10:30
Kindergarten- 10:45- 11:15
3rd Grade- 11:20- 11:50
First grade students in Pam Gray's class are exploring and observing the properties of rocks in science. They conducted a sink or float experiment with their rocks, as well as, testing them for hardness. Future geologists in the making!
Mrs. Jackie, a volunteer from the Alligator River Nature Conservancy, taught kindergarten students about birds this month. Brianna Diggs, sister of Kindergarten teacher Nicole Farrell and former KHES student, brought in some real birds to kick off the bird/ egg unit in Kindergarten.
A BIG congratulations to our very own student, Joshua Peters, for winning First Place in the state in his category for the 2015-16 PTA Reflections Contest. Reflections is a national arts recognition program that encourages students to explore their talents and express themselves. Joshua's literature entry will now move on to the National PTA Competition! Good Luck, Joshua!
Upcoming Events
March 21- 24- Jump-Rope-4-Heart Week
March 24- Dismiss at 12
March 25- No school for students- Teacher Workday
March 28- April 3- Spring Break- No school- Classes resume on Monday, April 4
By reaching high, we fly....