By Geri Crawford | Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Happy New Year!


The start of a new year is the perfect time for a few reminders! Our school day begins at 8:00 am. Students should be in their seats , unpacked and ready to start the day when the bell rings. Students that arrive at 7:30 am should report to the cafeteria. Students are dismissed to go to classrooms at 7:40 am. Any student arriving to school after 8:00 am must report to the office to receive a tardy pass. Excessive tardiness will result in a parent conference to discuss strategies for a plan that will ensure the student arrives to school on time. All students are dismissed at 2:30 pm.

Please be sure that any transportation change is made in writing to your child's teacher.

Dress code remindersTeachers, parents, and students are asked to support a standard of dress that creates a positive educational environment (See Code of Student Conduct, page 6). Students are expected to dress in a manner that reflects pride in themselves and that is appropriate for the occasion.  Kitty Hawk Elementary uses the following standards for student clothing:  

  • Skirts and shorts should meet the “Finger Tip” rule.  The length of shorts and skirts should extend beyond the finger-tip when arms and fingers are extended straight down beside the body.  

  • Messages on clothing, chains, jewelry, and other personal belongings that pertain to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, or vulgarity are prohibited.

  • Hats may not be worn inside the school (Certain religious and cultural observances and traditions, or theme days that require special head coverage or hats are permitted).

  • Proper footwear is highly recommended.  Any open toe shoes should have a heel strap.  Shoes that provide good support, stay securely on the feet, and are conducive to walking, running, and jumping should be worn.

  • Staff should, at all times, model an appropriate standard of dress.

  • With cold weather upon us, be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Students will not be permitted to go out for Healthy Active Children Time (Recess) when the temperature or wind chill is below 40 unless they have long pants and long sleeves on.

A note from Dr. Flo:  A recent tragedy in the county reminds us of the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet when riding a bike.  It is a North Carolina State law that all children under the age of 16 shall wear a helmet while riding a bike.  Adults, who want to be good role models for their children, should also be wearing a helmet when riding their bike.  We have and will continue to expect students to wear a bike helmet if they ride their bike to or from school.  

Be on the lookout for new parent pick up visor name sheets being sent home in back pack mail. Please place one on your vehicle's sun visor using a rubber band or paper clip when picking students up in our car pick up line.  This expedites the pick up process and assures the safe delivery of your child to the proper person. Thank you for your assistance.


January at a glance:

Jan. 6- PTA Reflections Contest entries due

Jan. 15- Dismiss at 12

Jan. 18- No school for students and staff

Jan. 19- Teacher Workday- No school for students

Jan. 26- Report Cards

Jan. 29- PTA Movie Night- 6 pm


By reaching high, we fly.......