13 hours ago
Bonzer Shack is looking for some help! We reopen March 6th, jobs starts about a week before.
December 30 at 9:17am
Thanks everyone for the truly great year and Christmas season. Reopening early March.
December 18 at 11:16am
November 7 at 10:05am
October 22 at 10:08am
October 10 at 2:03pm
Half price burger day at The Shack of Shadows! Come check out the spooky decorations and grab some KILLER food and beverages! GRAB A SHIRT BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR!
October 3 at 2:31pm
Shack of Shadows starts October 17th. Mark your calendars for some spooky events during that time!
September 17 at 12:08pm
April 11 at 10:13am