We're the Dare County chapter for the League of Women Voters. We work in this community as a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed political participation in the government and in the community. We strive to increase the community members' understanding of major public policy issues through education and advocacy. In Dare County the League sponsors candidate forums prior to local elections for town, county and state officials and publishes a voters’ guide about candidates, their biographical information and platforms. Monthly informational meetings on topics of local interest are held for the general public. An annual project is the printing and distribution of the Dare County Citizens Guide which contains information about government and county services. League members make a difference in influencing the broad range of public policy issues they care about. League members can begin to make a difference in the decisions made every day that affect their family and their community. If time is limited, members can still be a part of the League’s work. Members’ support gives us the strength we need to affect decisions made in our government.