By Mary Ann Hodges | Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MMS Activities


MMS students participated in Relay for Life.  The team sold popcorn and water as they supported a good cause.


MMS students have collected pop-tops all year.  On May 6th the Lady Shrine Club came to MMS to celebrate the results of their hard work.  MMS collected 314 lbs of pop tops!  The money raised from this will go to help with medical bills to families in need.  Keep collecting those pop tops!!!


MMS students participated in the Nags Head Woods run.  Congratulations to all who accepted that challenge.  



All spring sports are over!  Thank you to all who supported the teams.  Everyone did a wonderful job.  As we look forward to next year please make sure your athlete has a physical over the summer and that we have a copy here at school so they are ready to participate in fall sports. 

***If you or someone you know is interested in helping with a team at MMS please have them contact the school.  School sports is a great way to keep in touch with your student as they begin to spread their wings.


National Junior Honor Society

 Thank you to staff and students at MMS for donating books for our first annual NJHS book drive. The National Junior Honor Society collected over 180 books with Lisa Johnson's room collecting the most with 37.  The books collected will be going to MES 4th and 5th graders for their Annual Book Swap. 


Look What's New

Big thank you to FFHS for making corn-hole boards for our PE department!  MMS students have been busy painting the boards and look forward to some heavy competitions.  



MMS 8th Grade students were treated to a wonderful experience as Emmanuel Davis shared his story as MHS retired his number.  Thank you MHS for inviting our students to share that special time.


Looking Ahead

5/17 - Spring Concert and PTO Meeting

5/19  - Winter and Spring sports recognition evening

5/25 - End -Of-Grade Testing begins

6/7 - 8th Grade Celebration

6/8 Last day for-  students

About the Author Mary Ann Hodges
Mary Ann Hodges is an 8th grade Science Teacher at MMS and the Athletic Director. Her email is and her phone number is (252) 473-5549 ex.1285