By Mary Ann Hodges | Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Manteo Middle School, Week of April 18th


Art winners from the Roanoke Woman's Club




MMS Activities

4/18  6th and 7th Grade AVID students will travel to East Carolina University


4/20 Spring pictures and make up pictures for baseball and softball

4/21 Parent meeting for students going on the Sea to Mountain trip  - 6:00

4/22 AIG Interest groups will meet during BRAVES


MMS staff and students have begun a "new" program during the BRAVES period.  This program gives students an opportunity to meet with teachers throughout the school for both enrichment activities and help with current content. We are very excited about this program and look forward to seeing the student growth it produces.  Please ask your student to see their "passport".


4/18 Softball and Baseball play Camden at HOME

4/19 Track will travel AWAY to Northeastern

4/20 Softball and Baseball play Perquimans AWAY



AVID students have taken advantage of the resources in our area by visiting East Carolina and Elizabeth City colleges.  The students came back with a better understanding of college life and a desire to strive for that goal.


National Honor Society

The National Honor Society is doing a used book drive!  Please send in books which will be redistributed for other to enjoy.



Katie Bender and Ainsley Ludolph will travel to Greensboro to participate in a free All-State Chorus concert on April 16th at 3:00 if you are in the area we hope you stop in and enjoy the concert.

The following students were able to attend the Albemarle Band Clinic in Elizabeth City: Sydney Ballance, Wally McCown, Paige O'Neal, Daniel Tillett, and Esmeralda Vasquez Mendez.


​Fran Harris from the Women's Club recognized the following winners from the Ronoake Island Women's Club Art Show:Jose Eslava, Maggie Dough, Olivia Lowe, Jacqueline Ramirez, Kim Zafra, Kirby Sadler​, Maria Paula Lopez Felix
These students won in the First Flight Society Young Artist Contest, "Honoring the 100th Year of US Coast Guard Aviation." These students will be recognized this Saturday, the 16th, at 2:00, at the Wright Memorial Visitor Center, where they will receive  prizes and a certificate
Nathan Smith, Kimberly Grande Herrera, Morgan "Iva" Owens, and Austin Thompson l
Caleb Maher qualified to participate in the Math state competition on April 28th. Good Luck!

Looking Ahead

April 26th Track Conference Meet at Currituck

April 27 to 29 Sea to Mountain trip for 8th grade

April 28 6th Grade Shadow Day

May 6th Pop Top Assemble - Send in those pop-tops!

May 13th 8th Grade Dance

May 14th Baseball and Softball finals 

May 19th Winter and Spring sports recognition evening






About the Author Mary Ann Hodges
Mary Ann Hodges is an 8th grade Science Teacher at MMS and the Athletic Director. Her email is and her phone number is (252) 473-5549 ex.1285