MMS Activities
Soo Bae, a visiting cellist, helped the MMS strings students refine their skills. A combined concert for all Dare County Strings students is planned for Friday 3/18, 7:00 pm at First Flight Middle School.
Timmy Charity and Michelle Shafer will be joining the OBX Scallywags on 3/20 at First Flight High School for a basketball game against the Harlem Ambassadors. Please join the fun for this fundraising event.
Baseball and Softball play away at River Road on Monday and HOME against Elizabeth City on Wednesday. Both games are scheduled to start at 5:00.
Track will travel to Currituck on Tuesday. This event will begin at 3:30.
Benchmark Testing
3/21 ELA
3/22 Science
3/23 Social Studies
AVID is continuing to prepare for their bike helmet presentation at MES. The students will help show the elementary students the importance of safety when riding bikes and skateboards.
AVID is also preparing for trips to see college life: April 12th -8th grade, April 18th- 6th & 7th grade.
Odyssey of the Mind
Manteo Middle has two out of our five teams going to the state competition. We are very proud of all the teams and coaches for the hard work. Keep an eye out for the fundraising events the teams will be sponsoring so that they can continue on at the next level.
The interest groups continue to meet bi monthly and a BIG thank you is needed for all those presenters that come in to help challenge our students think beyond middle school.
Rachel's Challenge
Our kindness chains are growing and the students are planning a "special" event for one of our mix it up lunch times after spring break.
Looking Ahead
Early Release on 3/24
NO School 3/25
Spring Break 3/28-4/1 April fools day will be tricks at home this year - Parents watch out!
4th Quarter will start on 4/4
8th Grade Sea to Mountain Trip 4/27-4/29