Congratulations to Yolanda Carpio MMS Employ of the Year!!!
Great work!! Grayson Warner won the MMS Spelling Bee.
MMS Activities
2/9 Wrestling AWAY @ Hatteras
2/10 Basketball: Boys HOME against Perquimans
Girls AWAY @ Elizabeth City
2/11 Sweets for the Teachers
2/12 Dance
Basket season was completed with a hard game on 2/3 against FFMS. The boy's ended the season in fourth place and will have the first seed game for the tournament on 2/10 at MMS. The girl's team ended the season in a three way tie for third and will play their first round at Elizabeth City on 2/10. Good luck to both teams!
Wrestling is coming to the end of their season and will attend tournament at River Road Middle School on 2/13.
We will celebrate the winter athletes on 2/24 with our sports recognition evening.
*Reminder to students interested in a spring sport - you MUST have a current physical on file and all paperwork turned in before try-outs which are Feb 29th.
Rachel's Challenge
Grade levels have begun to put the kindness chains together. Ask your child about the kindness links that we are collecting.
Odyssey of the Mind
I, Christy Spinella,have had some opportunities in my job as technology facilitator to go into classrooms for brief moments each day. In my experiences doing that I have seen some great teachers actively involved in teaching some of the best lessons to their students and have seen students actively involved in learning. They are usually standing at the front of the room or leaning in toward a group of students and engaging them. I noticed a few days ago that the best Odyssey of the Mind coaches were doing their best in a whole different way. Even their body language was that of an observer as they stood there actively listening and watching their team. It struck me that this body language was the perfect solution for students to be actively taking the lead in planning, preparing and letting their ideas blossom.
Odyssey of the Mind and the student led processes give students a chance to be the leader and develop ideas of their own. There isn’t ever just one right answer and the process of developing a solution to a long term problem is one that can and has actively engaged our team member’s minds. They learn from each other that not every solution is going to work. In fact, some of the best learning has come from solutions that have failed. But they are gaining so much in learning to work with a small group of diverse individuals as they solve more than just their assigned problem.
Would you like to be a part of this process at Manteo Middle School? We will have our regional competition on March 12th at First Flight Middle and High Schools. Each of our five teams will need volunteers. We would also love to have our students and parents come and watch and see what a wonderful experience it can be. Please call me at MMS ext 1205 or email at if you are interested in more information.
Earth models are on the last step. Come visit MMS and see these amazing products!
Black out poetry- Students were given a page from a book and their task was to black out unwanted material to create a poem. We challenge you to give it a try!
8th grade students went old school as they learned the basics of reading a compass.
Students will meet in the forum to select roommates for the Sea-to -Mountain trip. Students and staff are getting very excited as the BIG trip gets closer.
Students will get information about an essay for the Rotary Club from MHS students on 2/10.
Make sure you continue to monitor your students chromebook use.
Mark Your Calendar
Feb 23 AIG Fair @ MMS
Feb 25 Empty Bowls Dinner @ FFHS
Feb 26 Hearts of Dare Dance (Fund raiser) @ Outer Banks YMCA