Student Project with UNC Coastal Studies
Dave Sybert is the K-12 educator at the Coastal Studies Institute. He came to Ms. Autumn Reaghard's 8th Grade Science class to explain the BOB program. BOB stands for Basic Observation Buoy. The students built their own BOBs with PVC pipe and tested how much weight they could hold. Dave also delivered a new BOB to CHSS for the students to launch off the pier. Ms. Autumn's class will collect various data on water quality including pH, water temp, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and wind speed
Power School for Parents
What is Power School? Power School allows parents and students access to real-time information including: attendance, grades, and assignments. This is a great way for parents and students to track their grades and attendance. If you have an account from last year, then visit the following link Dare.powerschool.com. If you need to set a new account, please visit the following link for more information. Parent Portal Link Sign Up
Chromebooks for High School Students
High School students are encouraged to take advantage of the Dare Learning Initiative Program. Every High School student has the opportunity to take a Chromebook home for school use this year or check one out on a daily basis in the Media Center. The cost for take home is only $25. Many of our students have already signed up for a Chromebook, but there are some that could benefit from this resource. For more information visit the Dare Learning Initiative Program Web Page.
Sporting Events for September 28th - October 2nd
Visit the Hurricane Sports Calendar to stay up to date when all the Hurricane Sporting Events are taking place. Dates and times are subject to change.
Yearbooks On Sale Now
Don't wait till the last minute to order your 2015-2016. The yearbook staff is already hard at work organizing, planning, taking photos, and gathering information to make this yearbook one that you will look back in 20 years and re-live your CHSS days. Visit YEARBOOKFOREVER.COM and order your copy today.
Book Fair Going On Now
The Media Center is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair through October 7th. You will find all types of books, pencils, journals, pens, erasers, and many more items for sale. Prices range from .50 cents to $40. Don't wait, get your items today.
Watch The Hurricane News
To watch the weekly edition of the CHSS Hurricane News click on the link Hurricane News.