CHSS Competes at the State DECA Competition
Congratulations to Miranda Veal who is the new NC DECA Vice President of the Coastal Region! Miranda was chosen to represent the state of North Carolina at the National DECA competition next month in Orlando, Florida.
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management to be college and career ready. CHSS winners and awards from the State DECA competition held February 28th and March 1st:
- Courtney Day and Kate Tawes: Creative Marketing Project - State Finalists
- Macy Quidley and Miranda Veal: Community Service Project - State Finalists
- Kate Tawes and Nicola Spencer: Sports & Entertainment Team Event - Proficiency
- Savannah Nichols and Emma Alvarez: Marketing Communications Team Event - Proficiency
- Alex Alvarez: Automative Services Marketing - Proficiency
- Caroline Peele and Kayleeann Jones: Travel & Tourism Marketing Team Event - Proficiency
- Macy Quidley and Miranda Veal: Travel & Tourism Team Event - Proficiency
- Bryan Gray and Ian O'Neal: Sports & Entertainment Team Event - Proficiency
- Courtney Day: Business Financial Services - Proficiency
- Carmen Reynolds and Gabby Sadler: Sports & Entertainment Team Event - Proficiency

Middle School Students Compete in Spelling Bee
Congratulations to All Participants of the One Heartless Reading Challenge: Nathaniel Philbrick's In the Heart of the Sea
Morgan Fairbanks, Brooke Oberbeck, Krystal Woods, Kendal Woods, Emma Zado, Lillian Wilbur, Carlos Escobar and Officer Kierney AND a big shout out to Challenge Winners: Morgan Fairbanks and Brooke Oberbeck.
Local CHSS Winners for the North Carolina Career and Technical Education Poetry/Poster Contest
ATTENTION all Parents of Rising Juniors and Seniors for the 2015-2016 School Year!!!
March 12th at 6 p.m: CHSS is partnering with the College of the Albemarle to provide upcoming Juniors and Seniors with the opportunity to earn an accelerated Associates of Arts Degree. All course work is designed to be transferable into larger colleges and universities. Students graduating from CHSS can have already earned up to one year of college credits. COA will be give away a full scholarship for students to earn the rest of the Associates of Arts Degree for free!!
Cape Hatteras Secondary School Students Will Have Art Work Displayed at the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum From March 3rd Through March 26th
A reception will be held at the museum on March 12th at 6:30 pm. Museum hours are Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Please come and view the creative and unique art of our art students.
Students at Work Week
This eventful week featured guest speakers from various professions who shared the love of what they do.
Speakers included:
CHSS Prom will be Saturday, May 2nd at The Beach Klub in Avon from 8-11 p.m.
Tickets will go on sale approximately two weeks before. The cost for Juniors and Seniors is $25.00 and the cost for Freshman and Sophomores is $30.00. Freshman and Sophomores may only come if signed in by an upperclassman. Upperclassman may only sign in one underclassman.
Archaeological Dig Is Coming to CHSS
The team from England will be here March 30th - April 3rd. The Croatoan Archeology Society is looking for 20 students to help excavate the site, wash and sort artifacts, help with cataloging, and create displays. Students interested will need to come to an important meeting Wednesday, March 11th at 9:30 am in Mr. Paul Ranno's Classroom.
Winter Sports Awards Ceremony on March 11th.
The winter sports awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, March 11th at 6 p.m for the middle school and 7 p.m. for the high school. The awards ceremony will take place in the school auditorium.