February Middle School Students of the Month!
The Middle School Awards Assembly was held on Tuesday in the Auditorium.
Congratulations to these students for their outstanding performance for the month of February!
Dell Chromebooks for High School Students
Did you know that any student in the 9th-12th grade can sign up to receive a Dell Chromebook for school use?
Students have the option to check out a Chromebook to keep with them for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. The fee is only $12.50 to be able to take the Chromebook home. Students also have the option to check out a Chromebook daily through the Media Center for school use only. There is no fee for this option.
For more information click "HERE" to learn more about the Dare County Schools Digital Learning Initiative Plan.

Cape Hatteras Secondary School of Coastal Studies School Counselor Karla Jarvis holding the congratulatory letter from the NC Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with senior Krista Cartwright.
Cartwright served as one of the senior class reps for the Pennies for Patients Project taken on by CHSSCS students. The school as a whole raised $653.67 for blood cancer research. The Junior class raised the most funds with $248.50; second place went to seventh grade with $141.54; third place went to eighth grade, raising $124.66. Ms.Jarvis organized the project for the school as a way to honor the memory of middle school math teacher Scott Day. "Hopefully," says Ms. Jarvis, "we will make this an annual event."
Buy Your Yearbook Today While Supplies Last!
Visit yearbookforever.com or see Mrs. Salmon in Room 306.
If paying by check be sure to include your physical address and home phone number on the check.
Students at Work Week, March 2 - 6, 2015

Lost and Found!! 
If your child has items that are missing, the Lost and Found in Mrs. Ashlee Garcia's room is full of jackets, sweaters, bags, and shirts. Please come to collect your items as soon as possible.
Congratulations again CHSS Science Olympiad Team!