By Randy Ratliff | Monday, December 14, 2015
Cape Hatteras Secondary School, This Week at Cape Hatteras Secondary School December 11th Edition

Seussified Christmas

Thank you to the cast, crew, teachers, and staff that helped make this years Christmas Play "A Seussified Christmas" a huge success.  The students and staff worked many hours rehearsing, building sets, preparing costumes, and planning.  There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to prepare for a performance like this. Please take time to thank those that were involved in providing Hatteras Island some great entertainment Saturday, Sunday and Monday for CHES.  




Winter Band Concert

Great job to the CHSS Band for their performance at the Winter Concert.  Over 60 students performed in front of a packed audience playing all types of musical instruments.  Thank you Mr. McCroskey for leading the band and providing the students with tools to be great musicians.  Everyone that heard the concert was in for a real treat.  We apologize, but were not able to stream the concert due to copyright issues.  


Hour of Code at CHSS

On December 9th, 130 Cape Hatteras Secondary School students participated in Hour of Code 2015. Career and Technical Education teacher Georgia Hardee, with members of her Technology Design and Innovation class, literally lined the halls with certificates of participation. All CHSS students were encouraged to participate in learning the basics of coding in fun, interactive ways. The Hour of Code is a global challenge to reach millions of students in 180+ countries and spark interest in computer programming.   Students are encouraged to continue to work in websites like or  These sites are free and a great resource for learning to code.

6th Grade Investigators 

Mrs. Polk's 6th Grade students conducted a crime scene follow up activity that they did early this school year with the Dare County Sheriff's office.  Students were assigned the roles of crime scene investigators.  There are 3 suspects that they have identified and the students will be working their way through the evidence to solve the case.  They did a scale drawing of the room where the crime took place and found a shoe print along with some hand written notes.  Their goal is to solve the case before the break.


Wind Power for Science Olympiad

Kristen Brown from Jennette's Pier assisted some of Mrs. Polk's science olympiad team members on helping them design the most efficient blades for their wind turbine project. The blades need to produce the most mega watts for their size.   They discovered that the blades needed to be at angles of 10-15 degrees to get the most power.  The team members will compete with their final design of their turbines at the February Regional Science Olympiad.

Chromebooks for Middle School

Each Middle School student has the opportunity to have a chromebook for school use starting January 12th.  Dare County Schools provides Middle School and High School students with the opportunity to have a chromebook to bring to school each day.  Having this type of device helps engage the students in a new type of learning experience and will better equip them in the classroom.  Please visit the Dare Learning Initiative webpage for more information and a quick 2 minute video.  Students should have already received a form, but if not the form may be downloaded here and returned to school with payment.  High School students may still sign up if they have not.  All students are encouraged to please take advantage of this great opportunity.