National Honor Society Induction
Last Friday, CHSS Honor Society Inducted 5 new members. Madeline Chandler, Sandra Sanchez, Jonah Dixon, Rae Couch, Enrique Babilonia, and Gabby Sadler. Family, Friends, Staff, and Students were all there to congratulate them on this accomplishment and celebrate. From the NHS.us site, "The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921." For more information about National Honor Society at CHSS, visit the CHSS NHS page.
Pickleball at CHSS
Former CHSS graduate and employee of the Fessenden Center in Buxton, Heath Fountain, came in to teach the growing sport of Pickleball to Mrs. Kelly's 9th grade physical education classes. Students participated in a two week unit that ended in a Double Elimination Pickleball Tournament that was won by John Canning and Cody MacDowell. The Fessenden Center holds Pickleball games weekly and encourages participation from teens and adults of all ages!! Come out and get active!! Thank you to the Hatteras Island Youth Education Fund for the purchase of the Pickleball equipment.
College Planning
Katie Cross (Coordinator of Student Life/Success Coach) from the College of the Albermarle was here this past week to discuss with students the life of a college student athlete. Mrs. Cross was a swimmer at Virginia Tech University and served as an Athletic Academic Advisor for Virginia Tech and the University of Florida for 15 years before coming to COA. Mrs. Cross discussed the qualifications that students need to meet to be accepted at a 4 year college to participate in athletics. Students were able to have a question and answer time at the end of the presentation and get some great information.
Testing Time Coming Up
It is getting that time of year when end of the year testing is happening almost every day. This past week students began taking Advanced Placement Exams. Attendance and being at school on time is key on these days. Please help your child get a good night sleep, eat a good breakfast, and encourage them to try their best. Here are some Test Taking Tips and you can find more online. Below is the test schedule that is planned for the upcoming month.
Upcoming Events
May 13- Alumni/Community Softball Game 5:00
May 17- High School Academic Awards Ceremony
May 18-Spring Athletic Awards Ceremony
May 20- Spring Concert
May 23- Senior Sports Banquet- Marlin Club
May 27- Senior Breakfast
May 31- Senior Celebration
June 3- Lost Colony Trip- 8th grade