AVID Invests in the Stock Market
Coach Durham's high school AVID class recently completed a 5 week investing project. Each student was given $1000.00 in "AVID Bucks" to invest. The students were able to choose their own stocks and track their performance over the 5 week period. Every student got to see fluctuations in the stock market, but in the end they all saw a profit in their investments. The best return was $245 on a $1000 investment. The average class performance was a $100 profit per student. A total of $6000.00 was invested in the class and saw a total return of $602.40. Coach Durham quote, "I am very proud of the way our students approached this project and how they got to see their investments grow." Great job Coach and Avid program. Keep up the learning.
National History Day
CHSS Track Setting Records
Cross Country Coaches Joe and Kris Caroppoli have had a vision of starting a track program at CHSS for several years. Thanks to their hard work, both the middle school and high school are competing at meets across Eastern North Carolina. At the middle schools first track meet, Dylan Gray for placed 1st in the 100 and 200 meter dash, Brayan Garcia 1st in the 400 meter dash, Victor De Lao Caldera 1st in the 1600 meter run, and Sophie Waterfield 2nd in the 800 meter run. At recent high school meets, Caitlyn Setree has a 1st place finish in the 400 meter run, Ethan Gray 1st place finishes in the 800 meter and 1 mile runs, and Noah Ranno a 1st place finish in the 400 meter and 4th place finish in the 100 meter run. These students and coaches are working hard to build a program and already having instant success.
8th Graders Participate in Students at Work Week
Cape Hatteras Secondary School of Coastal Studies highlights of the Students at Work Week activities included - listening to an original musical composition by a professional guitarist - Drew Minns, US Air Force Mid-America Band; collaborating with team members to prepare a monthly budget with guidance from an SECU Financial Services Planning team composed of Senior Financial Services Officers Missy McPherson and Heather Doughtie; and connecting with local history by learning more about the role the Midgett family played in lifesaving through the last century from Petty Officer 2nd Class Tonya Midgett. Elaine Whitaker, CHSSCS Career Development Coordinator, said that eighth graders recently opened the door to the exciting world of self-discovery by completing a learning style inventory, a career cluster survey and building a four-year plan using the CFNC website. "This all paves the way as these students begin to register for 2016-2017 courses and plan possible programs of study for their high school career. CHSSCS Counselor Karla Jarvis will host the High School Parent Night on Tuesday, April 5th, beginning at 5 pm.
Important Dates and Events
Spring Break March 28th-April 1st
Report Cards April 8th
High School Prom April 30th
Hurricane Sports Calendar