Students Learn Survival and First Aid Skills
Local rescue squad worker and past Cape Hatteras Secondary School graduate, Namen Ruter, came to Mrs. Kelly's 9th grade health class to teach the students about responding to emergencies with proper first aid technique. Among some of the topics that Ruter addressed, students practiced hands on CPR, splinting a broken bone with common items such as a torn t-shirt and sticks, and also responding to severe bleeding. We want to thank Mr. Ruter for giving his time to our students and properly preparing them to deal with medical emergencies that they might find themselves or others involved.
Jonah Dixon Accepted to NCSSM
Congratulations to CHSS sophomore Jonah Dixon on being accepted to the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in Durham. The online statement from NCSSM says, "The mission of North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics is to: educate academically talented students to become state, national, and global leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; advance public education in North Carolina; and inspire innovation for the betterment of humankind, through challenging residential, online, summer, and virtual learning driven by instructional excellence and the excitement of discovery." We are proud of you Jonah and wish you the best of luck next school year.
CHSS Track Brings Home Medals
This past week both the Middle School and High School competed at the Conference Track Meet. Ethan Gray was the conference champ in the 800 meter run, Dylan Gray placed 2nd in the 100 and 200 meter run, Zach Huizing and Trevor Swartwood placed 1st and 2nd in the 800 for Middle School, Sophie Waterfield placed 1st in her heat in the 800 meter, and all athletes improved their personal best times. Great job to all the runners and Coach Joe and Coach Kris on an excellent season.
Sarah Marks, graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hille was here to present on NC DNA Day. North Carolina DNA Day is an annual event where scientists from NC’s leading research universities and institutions visit over 100 high schools statewide to present interactive, hands-on lessons about genetics, genomics, and biotechnology, which reinforce the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. In addition, scientist ambassadors discuss their own ongoing research with students and share exciting career opportunities in science and biotechnology. NC DNA Day provides an opportunity for over 7,000 high school students to meet and interact with a young scientist, which often clarifies misconceptions of what a scientist looks like and breaks down barriers for students to follow scientific career paths. Moreover, NC DNA Day allows early-career scientists to experience the satisfaction of sharing their passion for science with students, fostering a spirit of public engagement leading to continued participation in science outreach throughout their careers.
Foods and Honors Biology Students Take a Trip
The following day students toured the food science facility and dairy at NC State. They learned about careers in food science, peeked in on a lab, and learned how to make butter. While learning about food chemistry, students sampled Howling Cow vanilla ice cream. Lastly, they had an interesting, and somewhat lively, conversation about GMO's from a food science perspective. On the way home, the group stopped at the State Farmers Market to pick up some fresh produce and NC wares. Thanks to Hatteras Island Youth Education Fund and Dare Education Foundation for funding this trip!
Middle School Students of the Month
This months students of the month for CHSS Middle School are: Claire Williams, Amber Harrell, Noah Gentry, Felicity Quidley, and Kevin Lozano.
After Prom Party at Frisco Mini Golf
Thank you Sandi Dowdy for sponsoring this years After Prom Party at Frisco Mini Golf. From 11 pm to 2 am students can come out for free food, free mini-golf, and free go cart rides.

Important Dates
April 30- High School Prom
May 2-6- Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6- School Nurses Day,
CHSS Fashion and Marketing Fashion Show-7:00-8:00
May 13- Alumni/Community Softball Game 5:00
May 17- High School Academic Awards Ceremony
May 18-Spring Athletic Awards Ceremony
May 20- Spring Concert
May 23- Senior Sports Banquet- Marlin Club
May 27- Senior Breakfast
May 31- Senior Celebration
June 3- Lost Colony Trip- 8th grade
Hurricane Athletics Calendar
CHSS Hurricane News